9-Pin No Tap Singles Tournament

Youth Fund Benefit

Saturday March 4th, 2023

Gage Bowl

  • Check in Starts at 8:15am, Tournament starts at 9:00am
  • Entry fee $25.00
  • Everyone bowls three games
  • 2 Divisions
    •  Average 190 and Above
    • Average 189 and Below
  • Maximum Score of 300 per game, 900 per series
  • Payout is at least 1 in 5
    • 60% of entries received (minus lineage) to be paid out
    • 40% will go the Youth Benefit Fund
  • Side Pots
    • High game (300 max) and High Series (900 max)

KV USBC 9 Pin No Tap Tournament for the Youth Benefit Fund
Tournament Rules

  1. This is a Singles 3 game 9 Pin No Tap Tournament
  2. This a fun tournament with the goal to raise money for KV USBC Youth Benefit Fund (which include monies for Scholarships and bowling equipment)
  3. Prizes awarded: 60% of total entry fees minus lineage, remaining 40% will go to the Youth fund.
  4. The payout will be at least 1 in 5
  5. Entrants’ average for the tournament will be as follows:
    1. Adults – highest adult book average of 21 games or more listed on
      bowl.com from the 2021-2022 or 2020-2021 seasons. No summer, sport
      league, or youth average.
    2. Youth – will use highest average of 21 games or more listed on bowl.com
      from the 2021-22 or 2020-21 seasons.
    3.  If entrant does not have an adult average or youth average in bowl.com
      from one of the two previous seasons, the average will be determined by
      the following criteria:
      i. Highest adult or youth current average of 21 games or more, listed
      on bowl.com from 2022-23 season.
      ii. All others will use scratch average of 220. No summer or sport
      leagues allowed.
  6. It shall be the bowler’s responsibility to verify or provide the accuracy of the average used in this tournament. If the entering average is lower
    than the actual average and the bowler fails to correct the average prior to the completion of the first game of any event bowled the score will be disqualified. If the entering average is higher than the actual average and is not corrected, then all scores will be based on the entering average.
  7. This shall be a handicap tournament and divided into two divisions known as Division 1 and Division 2. The handicap shall be 100% of 220.
    a. Division 1 entries consists of bowlers with an Individual average of 190 and above.
    b. Division 2 entries consists of bowlers with an Individual average of 189 and below.
  8. The maximum possible score will be 300 for 1 game and 900 for three games.
  9. Entry forms and checks can be turned in to either bowling alley, or on the day of the tournament. Refunds will only be given with approval from the tournament director. A charge of $30 will be added to all returned checks. All entry fees and check charges must be paid before the start of the tournament. All prize checks must be cashed within 90 days.
  10. Rules not covered on this form shall be covered by the current USBC playing
    rules book.
  11.  In the event of mechanical failure or other restrictions or problems, it is hereby
    agreed that the bowlers affected shall be moved to the next available pair of