Kaw Valley USBC Hall of Fame Process
Hall of Fame Committee
The Kaw Valley Hall of Fame Committee is appointed by the Kaw Valley USBC president with approval by the board.
The Kaw Valley USBC Hall of Fame Committee shall consist of at least two Kaw Valley USBC board members, at
least two Kaw Valley USBC hall of fame members and one member from local media. If possible, at least one of the
members of the committee will be/have been active in coaching. The KV USBC president will serve as the non-
voting chair of the committee.
The Hall of Fame Committee must use all means at their disposal to research and verify information provided on
the nomination form
Names of the candidates along with documentation of titles and scoring achievements, service history and
qualifications considered essential for making nominee eligible for the Hall of Fame must be presented to the Kaw
Valley USBC association manager by March 31st each year.
Selection Process
The KV USBC President (with assistance from the KV USBC Association Manager) will submit redacted information
about each nominated candidate to the members of the Hall of Fame Committee. Only the KV USBC President or
Association Manager will know the identities of each candidate. After discussing the merits of each candidate, the
committee will vote. The candidate must receive a yes vote from two-thirds of all committee members to pass the
first step. If the candidate receives the votes to pass, his/her name will be announced to the committee. If a
committee member believes there is a reason why this person should not be elected, the committee will discuss.
Another vote will take place, and it will take a majority vote to remove that person from consideration. Any
candidate not elected on the first year of submission will be considered the following year.
Candidates presented to KV USBC board in May may disqualify a candidate only for undetermined reasons that
can cause harm to KV USBC and the Hall of Fame
At the Annual meeting, Candidates will be voted on by members of the KV USBC Board of Directors and Hall of
Fame members attending. Candidates must receive 66% of the vote to be elected.