Notice of update to the Kaw Valley USBC Association By-Laws:

Current reading

Section D. Term
The term for Directors is 2 years. The number of years in a term, the number of terms
allowed, and a stagger system are determined by the board, adult members and youth
representatives. Insert stagger system here:
President: 1 non-consecutive 2-year term as President elected in odd year.
Vice Presidents: 2-year term and may be consecutive terms with 1st VP in even year and the
2nd and 3rd VPs odd.
Directors: 2-year term and may be consecutive terms. Even number directors elected in even
years and odd number directors elected in odd years.

Updated version (changes bolded):

Section D. Term
The term for Directors is 2 years. The number of years in a term, the number of terms
allowed, and a stagger system are determined by the board, adult members and youth
representatives. Insert stagger system here:
President: 1 non-consecutive 2-year term as President elected in odd year.
Vice Presidents: 2 year term and may be consecutive terms with 1st and 3rd VP’s in even years and 2nd VP in odd years
Directors: 2-year term and may be consecutive terms. Even number directors elected in even
years and odd number directors elected in odd years.

By-law change to reduce the odd year burden of having two VPs and the board President up for election in the same year.